Rebates and Incentives

Solar Rebates and Incentives – Advantage of Solar power

Scientists from all over the world in different fields of study, from biology to meteorology, agree; that climate change is real, climate change is happening and if we don’t combat it now, it will lead to a mass extinction event.

Aggressive energy policies addressing this have resulted in Solar Rebates and Incentives.

Already, we’re seeing the effects of it and it’s only just begun.

The Great Barrier Reef, a body of life that’s over a million years old, is quickly dying as a result of ocean temperatures rising, which will have a chain effect of all related sea life in the area dying, which will affect fishermen as well as tourism in the area.

This is just one event, with untold numbers of similar events both on and off land guaranteed to happen in the next fifty to one hundred years. The only thing we can do today is to avoid the most severe effects since the time to stop it passed thirty years ago.

Governments around the world have realized the existential threat and have started taking steps to get as many people on board with eco-friendly solutions in all facets of life as possible.

What Is The Government Doing?

There aren’t any laws that allow the US government to force any single person, much less large companies or even energy utility providers, to adopt solar power.

The cultural pushback against Congress would likely be unprecedented if any attempts recently to enact sound health and education policies are of any indication.

Even though we’re already seeing severe weather, an indicator of rapid climate change, which includes heavy flooding, major droughts, extreme winters, and record-breaking heat waves, the public tends to still operate on a very selfish mindset in this regard.

This doesn’t stop the idea of incentivization, however. Incentives are rewards for adopting certain actions.

In the government, incentives tend to come in the form of rebates, tax relief, and other services that benefit people who adopt a policy that is desired.

Solar incentives, along with federal rebates and incentives are set up to make switching to solar as painless as possible, and in many cases free, if not heavily subsidized for installation of solar panels.

Quest For Solar

The federal government has its own set of incentives for people to switch to solar, but the Golden State has one of the most aggressive incentives for making the switch today, whether for residential solar panels or industrial and commercial solar panel installations.

 Legislators know that the cost for installation is high and that not everyone is will or able to cover those costs, despite the fact that the savings, in the long run, outstrip the costs of traditional power. 

It’s important to remember, though, that incentives both for the state and federal programs aren’t permanent. This means that if you don’t take advantage of them soon, there’s no guarantee they’ll still be there.

Currently, Solar Investment Tax Credits (ITC) are scheduled to diminish over time as more and more people are expected to adopt solar and inevitably force wide support and systematic switchover by utility companies to accommodate all of the new adopters, putting the pressure on utility companies to finish the total switchover.

While this may sound okay, there’s also no guarantee about what kinds of costs will be covered by utility companies when they feel that a full switchover is necessary and cost-effective for their operations.

You can find out more about all of the ITC programs and how they apply to your situation at Go Solar.

Federal Tax Incentives

Energy Star, a familiar program that you’ve no doubt seen on your computers and light fixtures since the late 80s, is government funded and aims toward more efficient and cleaner energy consumption.

They have created an in-depth fact sheet that details federal rebates and credits that cover the costs of solar power installation and use.

Currently, the federal programs are slated to end in 2021, though there always exists a chance they will be renewed, as usual, there is no actual guarantee. This puts the necessity to take advantage of these programs as soon as possible up front and center.

Currently, for homeowners, tax incentives have expired, leaving only solar tax credit and incentives for cost control for solar panel installations.

However, some other products that use solar energy are still subsidized, but it further illustrates that the longer you wait to adopt solar power, the less likely you’re guaranteed financial incentives and assistance for your early adoption.

Commercial establishments, however, still have the potential to take advantage of the remaining solar energy tax incentives until 2021.

The solar rebates and federal solar rebates can be stacked together to create an enormous opportunity for savings today.

At Small Energy Bill, we keep track of all developments for federal, state, and even county bills that can help save you money on solar panels and other solar powered products such as solar water heaters.

Our goal is to make sure you’re able to take advantage of all available means by which to save money.

And all of this is before you get the benefits of running solar itself.

We also handle the paperwork to set up the net metering process, which is where you will save the most money over time.

Net Metering is when the energy you produce that isn’t used immediately by your home or business is sent back to the utility company for redistribution.

In essence, it’s ‘sold’ back, reducing your energy bill as thanks and incentive for helping share the load we all bear when it comes to energy production.

If you’d like to find out more, please call Small Energy Bill at 801-471-4270 to speak to one of our expert consultants.

Don’t wait to switch to solar. Start saving with Small Energy Bill.